Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Life in Tamarindo

     We were in Tamarindo from Friday to Monday and left Tuesday morning.  Tamarindo was just as amazing as San Jose.  We were trapped in the bus all day Friday driving from San Jose to Tamarindo.  Once we got to the resort, we dropped off our bags in the room, changed into our bathing suits and headed to the all inclusive bar in true Louisianian fashion.  That's where Peyton and I met Susan.  She was such a blast.  We hung out on the beach the rest of the afternoon.  The food at the resort was absolutely amazing.  It was buffet style for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  The bar also had some food like onion rings, fries, fried chicken, burrito things, nachos, bread, and fruit.  We ate an amazing supper then went take a nap.  Peyton and I ended up sleeping too long and missed the show.  We went to the bar/club at the resort for a little while.  We didn't stay that long and went to sleep.
     Saturday was very relaxing.  Peyton and I did water aerobics in the morning so she could stare at her crush, Aleex, in a not creepy way (even though we definitely sucked at it).  We hung out at the resort all day and went back and forth between the beach and the pool and the bar.  Every night, the resort has a show for the resort guests.  Saturday night was the International Show, and it was so awesome.  Susan, Aleex, and the other workers danced in the show.  They did different dances from all the different nationalities.  They were so good.  I loved watching the show.  Then we went to sleep.
     Sunday was so much fun.  We had to be up really early for our all day excursion.   The excursion started off with white water tubing.  It was basically the same thing as the white water rafting except in a tube down a smaller river.  I saw a monkey in the trees above us.  After the rafting we went eat lunch which was delicious.  Then we got to zipline.  This wasn't my first time but it was definitely better because of the views.  I did the first zipline upside down which was a terrible idea because I almost threw up all the delicious food I had just ate.  We ziplined over trees and rivers.  It was so pretty.  After the ziplining we went horseback riding.  I picked a white horse that liked to run.  I have only rode a horse like 5 or 6 times but I absolutely love them.  My horse pretty much ran all the way to the waterfall.  My poor little legs were so sore from squeezing the horse.   We took a little break and played in the water by the waterfall.  Some people jumped in but I didn't because I did not want to get chapped.  Then we rode the horses back to the camp thing.  After the horseback riding, we had the option to go to the hot springs and have a mud bath.  I chose to do it.  It was really cool.  It was a natural hot springs that they turned into individual pools to sit in and relax.  Me and Lizzie did the mud bath too.  It was kind of weird lathering mud on our skin but after we washed it off, our skin did feel smoother and softer.  On the walk back the bus from the springs, I saw like 20 of the little white faced monkeys.  They were so cute.  I even saw a mommy monkey with the baby on her back hopping between the trees.  We took the bus back to the camp to pick up the party poopers who didn't come with us and went home.  After we got back to the resort, Peyton and I went to the show.  It was like a game show instead of a dancing show.  We were so amused by this one red neck guy from Canada.  I went back to the room and crashed. 
     Monday was another relaxing day at the resort.  Peyton and I did our water aerobics again.  Then, we layed out for a little bit.  We played water volleyball for a little while.   Then went back to laying out.  The sun was pretty intense so I didn't last that long.  I headed back to the room around 4 and took a nice little nap.  I skipped going to dinner with the rest of the group so I could catch up on my sleep.  Once I finally dragged my butt out of bed, I got ready and went with Peyton, Susan, Aleex, and some others to Aqua, a bar down the road from the resort.  It was sooooo freakin hot but still a lot of fun.  I had more fun there then I do at bars/clubs back home.  We left around 2 am so we could get a little bit of sleep before having to leave in the morning.
     Tuesday morning we woke up bright and early to get some breakfast then load up on the bus to head to the airport.  The airport was miserable because the food and drinks were so overpriced.  I sucked it up and paid $15 for dry rice, chicken, and french fries so I wouldn't pass out on the plane.  Then we landed it Atlanta and had a little layover before making the last flight home to Lafayette. 
     I did not want to leave at all.  Costa Rica was such an amazing experience.  I got to see a lot of new things that I've never seen before like mountains, rainforests, waterfalls, and volcanoes just to name a few.  I also got to experience a lot of new things like leaving the country for the first time, white water rafting and tubing and jumping off the cliff along with trying so many new foods that I would never try back home.  Costa Rica is such a beautiful country that I could see myself living there.  I'm so glad I decided to do the Study Abroad program and will definitely be going back to Costa Rica one day. 

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